Elopak products
Roll-Fed carton material

Available in various 1 liter and portion pack configurations, Elopak supplies material for the most common roll fed aseptic carton filling machines on the market.
The artwork should be supplied in the same way as for Pure-Pak® carton production, with one clear difference: panels 1 and 5 meet on the back of the carton and form a seal. Please note that the layout elements need to be positioned accordingly to create a seamless visual.

Every Roll Fed carton contains a dedicated register mark: the EB logo at the bottom of the package. The marking is essential for the production process. Color and printing specification for this element is identical to that of EAN bar codes.
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The mockup below will guide you through common design elements and help you to better understand Elopak process requirements.

Roll-Fed carton material®
Artwork compliance checklist
CompletionSummary table
Screen ruling: 136 lpi (54 l/cm)
Accepted file types
Print files PDF
Open files Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, ArtPro
Always package links and fonts.
Outline all text.
Document/image color mode
No Color conversion.
Don’t include color profiles.
Image resolution
300 dpi
Include layers where applicable.
Illustrator raster effect settings
High resolution 300 ppi
Rasterize gradient mesh objects.
Panel 1 and panel 5 Elements must be positioned correctly to assure back-match
Nudge parameters A1 Elopak RF Slim 1000 ml: 297 mm
A2 Elopak RF Slim 200 ml: 170 mm
B1 Elopak RF Base 1000 ml: 314 mm
B2 Elopak RF Base 200 ml: 206 mm
Illustrator PDF compatible file
PDF compatibility
Acrobat 6, PDF 1.5
Minimum line thickness
Single pure ink 0,15 mm
Composite color build-up 0,35 mm
Reversed lines 0,35 mm
Maximum 3 inks allowed in a composite color build-up.
Minimum text size
Single pure ink 5 pt sans-serif (stroke width 0,15 mm)
Composite color build-up 7 pt bold sans-serif (stroke width 0,35 mm)
Negative text 7 pt bold sans-serif (stroke width 0,35 mm)
See all text requirementsMaximum 3 inks allowed in a composite color build-up.
Minimum bar code size
Elopak will ensure that all bar codes are in accordance with EAN certification.
Printing of Pantone colors
Not available.
All colors are converted to EloChrome by the Elopak Repro Department.
About EloChrome standards